
Michael Doering

Michael Doering brings a wealth of education administration and leadership experience to his associate role at The Alexander Group. As a thoughtful and effective communicator, Mr. Doering excels at connecting with clients, listening to their needs, and applying that feedback to each search.

Mr. Doering earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Concordia University, Nebraska and a Master of Education degree from Concordia University, Texas.

In addition to coaching high school athletics, Mr. Doering is also a wine ambassador for Texas Hill Country wineries.

My background is in educational leadership but, I like to think of myself as a professional learner. Every client has a unique challenge they are solving, and I love learning what those challenges may be and then bringing that special lens to the talent market. I have a Ted Lasso reference here, “all people are different people” and truly all searches are different searches. Our clients need curious search professionals who will listen, learn, and adapt.


  • Concordia University, Texas

    Master of Education

  • Concordia University, Nebraska

    Bachelor of Science

Industry Experience


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